Mario A. López is the president and founder of the Organización Internacional para el Avance Científico del Diseño Inteligente (OIACDI) and resides in San Diego, CA with his wife of 26 years.
He has been actively involved with the intelligent design (ID) movement since the mid nineties and has served on the board of directors of various ID organizations. In his current project, OIACDI, he gathered scientists and scholars from Spanish-speaking countries (Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Spain) to collaborate in bringing intelligent design to their communities. Their work launched ID beyond our borders through the publication of several books, including: Charles Darwin Frente Al Diseño Inteligente, Elementos de Estructuras Funcionales, and Neotomismo, Mecanicismo Y Diseño Inteligente. In addition, they took the task of translating material from leading ID proponents and making it accessible to Spanish readers around the globe. Mario has written several online articles that attempt to disambiguate intelligent design theory for the general reader and was a contributing author of Naturalism and Its Alternatives in Scientific Methodologies, which records the proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism. His ideas on the demarcation problem are advanced and elucidated in his book, Beyond the Pale of Science.